Thursday, May 29, 2008

Festival of Stocks #90 @ Circle of Competence

This week’s 90th edition of the Festival of Stocks is at Circle of Competence. Be sure to check out this week’s articles!

My article Authentidate Remains Undervalued was included in this week’s edition.

I recommend taking a look at some of the posts on Circle of Competence. It’s a new blog launched by Jeff Annello a couple months ago, and he has written some terrific material in short time. Mr. Annello focuses on Value Investing and its icons, such as Warren Buffett.

You can catch up on past editions by visiting the Festival of Stocks homepage. There you can also find out how to submit an article for next week’s Festival or learn about how you can volunteer to host an edition of the Festival of Stocks on your own blog.


  1. I have been following Circle of Compete's articles but I'm wondering why you have not updated your blog as of yet. Looking forward to read your articles.

  2. I don't post as frequently as I would like, or should, but I am currently working on several articles due out shortly, so stay tuned! and thanks for reading!


Memphis, TN, United States